lec 23 Summary
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lec 23 Summary
Clustering w/Multiple Eigenvectors
For k clusters, compute first k eigenvectors v_1 = 1, v_2, ..., v_k of generalized eigensystem Lv = lambda Mv.
----------- ----------- |1 ^ ^| |<-- V -->| [V's columns are the eigenvectors with |1 . .| | 1 | the k largest eigenvalues.] |1 . .| | | V = |1 v v| = | | |1 .2 .k | | [Yes, we do include the all-1's vector v |1 . .| | | as one of the columns of V.] 1 |1 v v| |<-- V -->| ----------- ------n---- n x k Row V_i is _spectral_vector_ [my name] for vertex i.
[These are vectors in a k-dimensional space I'll call the "spectral space". When we were using just one eigenvector, it made sense to cluster vertices together if their components were close together. When we use more than one eigenvector, it turns out that it makes sense to cluster vertices together if their spectral vectors point in similar directions.] Normalize each row V_i to unit length. [Now you can think of the spectral vectors as points on a unit sphere centered at the origin.] [Draw 2D example showing two clusters on a circle. If the input graph has k components, the points in each cluster will have spectral vectors that are exactly orthogonal to all the other components' spectral vectors.] k-means cluster these vectors. [Because all the spectral vectors lie on the sphere, k-means clustering will cluster together vectors that are separated by small angles.]
[Show comparison of k-means vs. spectral (compkmeans.png, compspectral.png). These examples use an exponentially decaying function to assign weights to pairs of points, like we used for image segmentation but without the brightnesses.]
Invented by [our own] Prof. Michael Jordan, Stanford Prof. Andrew Ng [when he was still a student at Berkeley], Yair Weiss. [This wasn't the first algorithm that uses multiple eigenvectors for spectral clustering, but it has become one of the most popular.]
LATENT FACTOR ANALYSIS [aka latent semantic indexing]
[You can think of this as dimensionality reduction for matrices.]
Suppose X is a term-document_matrix: [aka _bag-of-words_model_]
row i represents document i; column j represents term j. [Term = word.]
[Term-document matrices are usually sparse, meaning most entries are zero.]
X_ij = occurrences of term j in doc i? better: log (1 + occurrences) [So frequent words don't dominate.] [Better still is to weight the entries so rare words give big entries and common words like "the" give small entries. I'll omit the details.]
T d T Recall SVD X = UDV = sum delta u v . Suppose delta <= delta for i >= j. i=1 i i i i j (Unlike PCA, we usually don't center X.) For greatest delta_i, each v_i lists terms in a genre/cluster of documents each u_i " E.g. u_1 might have large components for the romance novels, v_1 " " " " for terms "passion", "ravish", "bodice"...
[...and delta_1 would give us an idea how much bigger the romance novel market is than the markets for every other genre of books.] [v_1 and u_1 tell us that there is a large subset of books that tend to use the same large subset of words. We can read off the words by looking at the larger components of v_1, and we can read off the books by looking at the larger components of u_1.] [The property of being a romance novel is an example of a latent_factor. So is the property of being the sort of word used in romance novels. There's nothing in X that tells you explicitly that romance novels exist, but the genre is a hidden connection between them that gives them a large singular value. The vector u_1 reveals which books have that genre, and v_1 reveals which words are emphasized in that genre.]
Like clustering, but clusters overlap: if u_1 picks out romances & u_2 picks out histories, they both pick out historical romances. [So latent factor analysis is a sort of clustering that permits clusters to overlap. Another way in which it differs from traditional clustering is that the u-vectors contain real numbers, and so some points have stronger cluster membership than others. One book might be just a bit romance, another more.]
Application in market research: identifying consumer types (hipster, soccer mom) & items bought together. [For applications like this, the first few singular vectors are the most useful. Most of the singular vectors are mostly noise, and they have small singular values to tell you so.]
r T Truncated sum X' = sum delta u v is _low-rank_approximation_ (rank r) of X. i=1 i i i
[We choose the singular vectors with the largest singular values, because they carry the most/best information.]
----------- ------ ------- ----------- | | |^ ^| |d_1 0| |<-- v -->| | | || || | .. | | 1 | | | = || || |0 d_r| |<-- v -->| | X' | |u u| ------- ------r---- | | ||1 |r r x r r x d | | || || | | |v v| ----------- ------ n x d n x r ------------------------------------------------------------------- | X' is the rank-r matrix that minimizes [squared] Frobenius norm | | 2 2 | | ||X - X'|| = sum (X - X' ) | | F i,j ij ij | -------------------------------------------------------------------
- Fuzzy search. [Suppose you want to find a document about gasoline prices, but the document you want doesn't have the word "gasoline"; it has the word "petrol". One cool thing about the reduced-rank matrix X' is that it will probably associate that document with "gasoline", because the SVD tends to group synonyms together.]
- Denoising. [The idea is to assume that X is a noisy measurement of some unknown matrix which probably has low rank. If that assumption is partly true, then the reduced-rank matrix X' might be better than the input X.]
- Collaborative filtering: fills in unknown values, e.g. user ratings. [Suppose the rows of X repesents Netflix users and the columns represent movies. The entry X_ij is the review score that user i gave to movie j. But most users haven't reviewed most movies. Just as the rank reduction will associate "petrol" with "gasoline", it will tend to associate users with similar tastes in movies, so the reduced-rank matrix X' can predict ratings for users who didn't supply any. You'll try this out in the last homework.]
[We're done with unsupervised learning. Now I'm going back to classifiers, and
I saved one of the simplest for the end of the semester.]
Idea: Given query point v, find the k input points nearest v. Distance metric of your choice. Regression: Return average value of the k points. Classification: Return class with the most votes from the k points OR return histogram of class probabilities. [Obviously, the histogram of class probabilities has limited precision. If k = 3, then the only probabilities you'll ever return are 0, 1/3, 2/3, or 1. You can improve the precision by making k larger, but you might underfit. It works best when you have a huge amount of data.]
[Show examples of 1-NN, 10-NN, and 100-NN (ISL, Figures 2.15, 2.16) (allnn.pdf). You see that a larger k smooths out the boundary. In this example, the 1-NN classifier is badly overfitting the data, and the 100-NN classifier is badly underfitting. The 10-NN classifier does well: it's reasonably close to the Bayes decision boundary. Generally, the ideal k depends on how dense your data is. As your data gets denser, the optimal k increases.]
[There are theorems showing that if you have a lot of data, nearest neighbors can work quite well.]
Theorem (Cover & Hart, 1967): As n -> infinity, the 1-NN error rate is < B (2 - B) where B = Bayes risk. if only 2 classes, <= 2B (1 - B)
[There are a few technical requirements of this theorem. The most important is that the training points and the test points all have to be drawn independently from the same probability distribution. The theorem applies to any separable metric space, so it's not just for the Euclidean metric.]
Theorem (Fix & Hodges, 1951): As n -> infinity, k -> infinity, k/n -> 0, k-NN error rate converges to B. [Which means optimal.]
The Geometry of High-Dimensional Spaces
Consider unit ball B = { p in R^d : |p| <= 1 } & hypercube H = { p in R^d : |p_i| <= 1 }
[Draw 2D circle in square, 3D ball in cube.] [In two dimensions, it looks like the circle fills most of the square. But in 100 dimensions, the ball takes almost no volume compared to the hypercube, and the corners of the cube are a distance of 10 away from the center. And since there are 2^100 corners, there's a lot of volume out toward the corners.] Consider a shell of the sphere. [Draw ball of radius r, and concentric ball of radius r - epsilon inside.]
Volume of outer ball \propto r^d Volume of inner ball \propto (r - epsilon)^d Ratio of inner ball volume to outer = (r - epsilon)^d epsilon epsilon d --------------- = (1 - -------)^d ~ exp (- ---------) for large d -> small! r^d r r epsilon E.g. if ------- = 0.1 & d = 100, inner ball has 0.0027% of volume. r Random points from uniform distribution in ball: nearly all are in outer shell. " " " Gaussian " " " " " " " some "
[A multivariate Gaussian distribution is weighted to put points closer to the center, but if the dimension is very high, you'll still find that the vast majority of points lie in a thin shell. As the dimension grows, the standard*deviation of a random point's distance to the center gets smaller and smaller compared to the distance itself.]
[This is one of the things that makes machine learning hard in high dimensions. Sometimes the farthest points aren't much farther away than the nearest ones.]
Exhaustive k-NN alg.
Given query point v:
- Scan through all n input points, computing (squared) distances to v.
Maintain max-heap with the k shortest distances seen so far. [Whenever you encounter an input point closer to v than the point at the top of the heap, you remove the heap-top point and insert the better point. Obviously you don't need a heap if k = 1 or even 3, but if k = 100 a heap will speed up keeping track of the distance to beat.]
Time to construct the classifier: 0 [This is the only O(0)-time algorithm we'll learn this semester.] Query time: O(nd + n log k) expected O(nd + k log^2 k) if random point order [Though in practice I don't recommend randomizing the point order; you'll probably lose more from the cache than you'll gain from randomization.]
Speeding Up NN
Can we preprocess the training points to obtain sublinear query time?
Very low dimensions: Voronoi diagrams Medium dim (up to ~30): k-d trees Larger dim: locality sensitive hashing [still researchy, not widely adopted] Largest dim: no [stick with exhaustive k-NN.] Can use PCA or other dimensionality reduction as preprocess [Most fast nearest-neighbor algorithms in more than a few dimensions are approximate nearest neighbor algorithms; we don't necessarily expect to find the exact nearest neighbors any more. That's usually okay, as machine learning classifiers are rarely perfect. If we use PCA as a preprocess, then it's even more approximate, but it's much faster.]
PCA: Row i of UD gives the coordinates of sample point X_i in principal components space (i.e. X_i . v_j for each j). So we don't need to project the input points onto that space; the SVD does it for us.