Table of Contents


Fundamental assumption: each class comes from normal distribution (Gaussian).

               2                   1                 |x - mu|
X ~ N(mu, sigma ) :  P(x) = ---------------- exp ( - --------- )
                            sqrt(2 pi) sigma         2 sigma^2

For each class C, suppose we estimate mean mu_C, variance sigma_C^2, and prior pi_C = P(Y = C).

Given x, Bayes rule r*(x) returns class C that maximizes P(X = x | Y = C) pi_C.

ln z is monotonically increasing for z > 0, so it is equivalent to maximize

                                      |x - mu_C|
Q (x) = ln ( sqrt(2 pi) P(x) pi ) = - ----------- - ln sigma  + ln pi
 C                             C      2 sigma_C^2           C        C
^                       ^
| quadratic in x.       | normal distribution, replaces P(X = x | Y = C)

[In a 2-class problem, you can also incorporate an asymmetrical loss function the same way we incorporated the prior pi_C. In a multi-class problem, it gets a bit more complicated, because the penalty for guessing wrong might depend not just on the true class, but also on the wrong guess.]


============================= Suppose only 2 classes C, D. Then

          /   C      if Q (x) - Q (x) > 0,
  r*(x) = |              C       D
          \   D      otherwise

Prediction fn is quadratic in x.  Bayes decision boundary is Q (x) - Q (x) = 0.
                                                              C       D
  - In 1D, B.d.b. may have 1 or 2 points.    [Solution to a quadratic equation]
  - In d-D, B.d.b. is a quadric.                [In 2D, that's a conic section]

[Show 2D Gaussian diagrams (from last lecture).]

[The equations I wrote down above can apply to a one-dimensional feature space, or they could apply equally well to a multi-dimensional feature space with isotropic, spherical Gaussians. In the latter case, x and mu are vectors, but the variance is a scalar. Next lecture we'll look at anisotropic Gaussians where the variance is different along different directions.]

[QDA works very nicely with more than 2 classes. You typically wind up with multiple decision boundaries that adjoin each other at joints. The feature space gets partitioned into regions. In two or more dimensions, it looks like a sort of Voronoi diagram.]

[Show multiplicatively weighted Voronoi diagram.]

[You might not be satisfied with just knowing how each point is classified. One of the great things about QDA is that you can also determine the probability that your classification is correct. Let's work that out.]

To recover posterior probabilities in 2-class case, use Bayes:

                           P(X | Y = C) pi_C
  P(Y = C | X) = -------------------------------------
                 P(X | Y = C) pi_C + P(X | Y = D) pi_D

                                           recall e       = sqrt(2 pi) P(x) pi
                          e                       1
  P(Y = C | X = x) = ----------------- = --------------------
                      Q_C(x)    Q_D(x)        Q_D(x) - Q_C(x)
                     e       + e         1 + e

                   = s(Q (x) - Q (x)), where
                        C       D
  s(gamma) = -----------    <===  _logistic_fn_ aka _sigmoid_fn_
             1 + e

[Show logistic fn.  s(0) = 1/2, s(inf) -> 1, s(-inf) -> 0, monoton increasing.]


[less likely to overfit than QDA]

Fundamental assumption: all the Gaussians have same variance sigma.

[The equations simplify nicely in this case.]

                                      2       2
                (mu_C - mu_D) . x   mu_C  - mu_D
Q (x) - Q (x) = ----------------- - ------------- + ln pi  - ln pi
 C       D           sigma^2          2 sigma^2          C        D
                \_______________/ \_______________________________/
                      w . x      +             alpha

[The quadratic terms in Q_C and Q_D cancelled each other out!]

Now it's a linear classifier! Choose C that maximizes linear_discriminant_fn

mu_C . x      mu_C
-------- - --------- + ln pi                     [works for any # of classes]
sigma^2    2 sigma^2        C

In 2-class case: decision boundary is w . x + alpha = 0 Bayes posterior is P(Y = C | X = x) = s(w . x + alpha)

[The effect of "w . x + alpha" is to scale and translate the logistic fn in x-space. It's a linear transformation.] [Show two 1D Gaussians + logistic fn.] [Show Voronoi diagram.]

                                                             mu_C + mu_D
If pi  = pi  = 1/2   ===>   (mu  - mu ) . x - (mu  - mu ) . (-----------) = 0
     C     D                   C     D           C     D          2

This is the centroid method!


========================================= [Before I talk about fitting Gaussians, I want to start with a simpler example. It's easier to understand maximum likelihood if we consider a discrete distribution first; then a continuous distribution later.]

Let's flip biased coins! Heads with probability p; tails w/prob. 1 - p.

10 flips, 8 heads, 2 tails. What is most likely value of p?

Binomial distribution: X ~ B(n, p)

             /n\  x        n - x
  P[X = x] = | | p  (1 - p)

Our example:  n = 10,

                 8        2      def
  P[X = 8] = 45 p  (1 - p)        =  L(p)

Probability of 8 heads in 10 flips: written as a fn L(p) of distribution parameter(s), this is the likelihood_fn.

Maximum_likelihood_estimation (MLE): A method of estimating the parameters of a statistical model by picking the params that maximize the likelihood fn.

[Let's phrase it as an optimization problem.]

|  Find p that minimizes L(p)  |

[Show graph of L(p).]

Solve this example by setting derivative = 0:

  dL        7        2       8
  -- = 360 p  (1 - p)  - 90 p  (1 - p) = 0

  ===>    4 (1 - p) - p = 0    ===>    p = 0.8

[It shouldn't seem surprising that a coin that comes up heads 80% of the time
 is the coin most likely to produce 8 heads in 10 flips.]

Note:  ---- = -18.8744 < 0   at p = 0.8, confirming it's a maximum.


====================== Given samples x_1, x_2, ..., x_n (scalars or vectors), find best-fit Gaussian.

[Let's do this with a normal distribution instead of a binomial distribution. If you generate a random point from a normal distribution, what is the probability that it will be exactly at the mean of the Gaussian?]

[Zero. So it might seem like we have a bit of a problem here. With a continuous distribution, the probability of generating any particular point is zero. But we're just going to ignore that and do "likelihood" anyway.]

Likelihood of generating these samples is

L(mu, sigma; x_1, ..., x_n) = P(x_1) P(x_2) ... P(x_n)

The log_likelihood l(.) is the ln of the likelihood L(.). Maximizing likelihood <==> maximizing log-likelihood.

l(mu, sigma; x_1, ..., x_n) = ln P(x_1) + ln P(x_2) + ... + ln P(x_n)

Want to set grad   l = 0,  ------- = 0
                mu         d sigma
            |x - mu|
ln P(x) = - --------- - ln sqrt(2 pi) - ln sigma  [ln of normal distribution]
            2 sigma^2

            n  x_i - mu                 ^    1  n            [The ^hats^ mean
grad   l = sum -------- = 0    ====>    mu = - sum x_i        "estimated"]
    mu     i=1 sigma^2                       n i=1
                        2        2
  dl       n  |x_i - mu|  - sigma                    ^  2   1  n           2
------- = sum ------------------ = 0      ====>    sigma  = - sum |x  - mu|
d sigma   i=1      sigma^3                                  n i=1   i

                                      ^                      ^

We don't know mu exactly, so substitute mu for mu to compute sigma.

In short, we use mean & variance of samples in class C to estimate mean & variance of Gaussian for class C.

For QDA: estimate mean & variance of each class as above & estimate the priors (for each class C):

   ^      n_C
  pi  = -------                              [this is the coin flip parameter!]
    C   sum n_D  <==  sum of samples in all classes

For LDA:  same mean & priors; one variance for all classes:

    ^  2   1                          2
  sigma  = - sum    sum     |x  - mu |
           n  C  {i:y  = C}   i     C

Date: 2017-06-22 五

Author: yiddi

Created: 2018-08-12 日 14:58
