Table of Contents
Nonlinear method for classification and regression.
Uses tree w/two node types: - internal nodes test feature values (usually just one) & branch accordingly - leaf nodes specify class h(x) ----------------- | Outlook (x_1) | sunny overc rain ----------------- ------------------- 100 / | \ | | | | x / | \ | no | | | 2 sunny overcast rain |-----| | | 75 / | \ | | | | / | \ | | |check| ------------------ v -------------- | | yes | x | 50 | Humidity (x_2) | yes | Wind (x_3) | | yes | | 3 | ------------------ v -------------- | | | | / \ / \ | | | | 25 / \ / \ | | | | > 75% <= 75% > 20 <= 20 | | | | / \ / \ ------------------- 0 v v v v x no yes no yes 1
- Cuts x-space into rectangular cells
- Works well with both categorical and quantitative features
- Interpretable result (inference)
- Decision boundary can be arbitrarily complicated
[Show comparison of SVM vs. dec. tree on 2 examples (treelinearcompare.pdf)]
Consider classification first. Greedy, top-down learning heuristic: [This algorithm is more or less obvious, and has been rediscovered many times. It's naturally recursive. I'll show how it works for classification first; later I'll talk about how it works for regression.]
Let S subseteq {1, 2, ..., n} be list of sample indices. Top-level call: S = {1, 2, ..., n}.
GrowTree(S) if (y_i = C for all i in S and some class C) then { return new leaf(C) [We say the leaves are "pure"] } else { choose best splitting feature j and splitting point beta (*) S_l = {i : X_ij < beta} [Or you could use <= and >] S_r = {i : X_ij >= beta} return new node(j, beta, GrowTree(S_l), GrowTree(S_r)) }
(*) How to choose best split? - Try all splits. [All features, and all splits within a feature.] - For a set S, let J(S) be the _cost_ of S. - Choose the split that minimizes J(S_l) + J(S_r); or, |S_l| J(S_l) + |S_r| J(S_r) the split that minimizes weighted average ---------------------------. |S_l| + |S_r| [Here, I'm using the vertical brackets |.| to denote set cardinality.]
How to choose cost J(S)? [I'm going to start by suggesting a mediocre cost function, so you can see why it's mediocre.] Idea 1 (bad): Label S with the class C that labels the most samples in S. J(S) <- # of samples in S not in class C. ----------------- | 6 C 5 D | J(S) = 5 ----------------- / x \ / 1 \ / \ / \ / \ ----------------- ----------------- J(S ) = 1 | 4 C 1 D | | 2 C 4 D | J(S ) = 2 l ----------------- ----------------- r Problem: Sometimes we make "progress", yet J(S ) + J(S ) = J(S). l r ----------------- | 20 C 10 D | J(S) = 10 ----------------- / x \ / 1 \ / \ / \ / \ ----------------- ----------------- J(S ) = 8 | 12 C 8 D | | 8 C 2 D | J(S ) = 2 l ----------------- ----------------- r / x \ / x \ / 2 \ / 3 \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ -------- ------- ------- ------- | 12 C | | 8 D | | 8 C | | 2 D | -------- ------- ------- -------
[Notice that even though the first split doesn't reduce the total cost at all, we're still making progress, because after one more level of splits, we're done!]
Idea 2 (good): Measure the entropy. [An idea from information theory.] Let Y be a random class variable, and suppose P(Y = C) = p_C. The surprise of Y being class C is S(Y = C) = - log_2 p_C. [Nonnegative.]
- event w/prob. 1 gives us zero surprise.
- event w/prob. 0 gives us infinite surprise!
[In information theory, the surprise is equal to the expected number of bits of information we need to transmit which events happened to a recipient who knows the probabilities of the events. Often this mean using fractional bits, which only makes sense when you're compiling lots of events into a single message; e.g. a sequence of biased coin flips.]
The _entropy_ of an index set S is the average surprise |{i in S : y_i = C}| [The proportion of H(S) = - sum p log p , where p = --------------------. samples in S that C C 2 C C |S| are in class C.] If all samples in S belong to same class? H(S) = -1 log_2 1 = 0. Half class C, half class D? H(S) = -0.5 log_2 0.5 - 0.5 log_2 0.5 = 1. n samples, all different classes? H(S) = - log_2 (1/n) = log_2 n.
[Show graph of entropy for 2-class case (entropy.pdf)]
|S_l| H(S_l) + |S_r| H(S_r) Weighted avg entropy after split is H = ---------------------------. after |S_l| + |S_r| Choose split that maximizes _information_gain_ H(S) - H_after. ----------------- 14 14 16 16 | 14 C 16 D | H(S) = - -- lg -- - -- lg -- = 0.997 ----------------- 30 30 30 30 / x \ / 1 \ / \ / \ / \ ----------------- ----------------- | 13 C 4 D | | 1 C 12 D | ----------------- ----------------- 13 13 4 4 1 1 12 12 H(S ) = - -- lg -- - -- lg -- = 0.787 H(S ) = - -- lg -- - -- lg -- = 0.391 l 17 17 17 17 r 13 13 13 13 H_after = 0.615; info gain = 0.382
Info gain always positive except when one child is empty or for all C, P(y_i = C | i in S_l) = P(y_i = C | i in S_r):
[Recall graph of entropy.]
entropy % misclassified ^ ^ 1 | --- 0.5 | ^ | - - | / \ | / \ | / \ |/ \ | / \ | | |/ \ +----+----+> P +----+----+> P 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 strictly concave concave, not strict
[Suppose we pick two points on the entropy curve, then draw a line segment connecting them. Because the entropy curve is strictly concave, the interior of the line segment is strictly below the curve. Any point on that segment represents a weighted average of the two entropies for suitable weights. Whereas the point directly above that point represents the entropy if you unite the two sets into one. So the union of two nonempty sets has greater entropy than the weighted average of the entropies of the two sets, unless the two sets both have exactly the same p.] [For the graph on the right, on the other hand, if we draw a line segment connecting two points on the curve, the segment might lie entirely on the curve. In that case, uniting the two sets into one, or splitting one into two, changes neither the total misclassified samples nor the % misclassified.] [By the way, the entropy is not the only function that works well. Many concave functions work fine, including the simple polynomial p(1-p).] More on choosing a split:
- For binary feature x_i, children are x_i = 0 & x_i = 1.
- If x_i has 3+ discrete values, split depends on application. [Sometimes it makes sense to use multiway splits; sometimes binary splits.]
- If x_i is quantitative, sort samples in S by feature x_i; remove duplicates; try splitting between each pair of consecutive samples. [We can radix sort the samples in linear time, and if n is huge we should.] Clever Bit: As you scan sorted list from left to right, you can update entropy in O(1) time per sample!
[This is important for obtaining a fast tree-building time.] [Draw a row of X's and O's; show how we update the # of X's and # of O's in each of S_l and S_r as we scan from left to right.]
Algs & running times: - Test point: Walk down tree until leaf. Return its label. Worst-case time is O(tree depth). For binary features, that's <= d. [Quantitative features may go deeper.] Usually (not always) <= O(log n). - Training: For binary features, try O(d) splits at each node. For quantitative features, try O(n'd) splits; n' = samples in node Either way => O(n'd) time at this node [Quantitative features are asymptotically just as fast as binary features because of our clever way of computing the entropy for each split.] Each sample participates in O(depth) nodes, costs O(d) time in each node. Running time <= O(nd depth). [As nd is the size of the design matrix X, and the depth is often logarithmic, this is a surprisingly reasonable running time.]