lec 19 Heuristics for Avoiding Bad Local Minima

Table of Contents

lec 19 Heuristics for Avoiding Bad Local Minima (continued)

  • Train several nets; pick best. [If you train 10 neural nets on the same data, but each starting with different random weights, it's unlikely that any two of them will end up the same. Some might fall into bad local minima, but probably not all.]
  • Layerwise_pretraining. [We train one layer of the neural net at a time, starting from the input layer. The goal is to get the first layer to develop useful features, then for the second layer to develop even more useful features, and so on. This is a complicated topic on the forefront of research that I don't have time to do justice to. If you're interested, do a search.]

Heuristics for Faster Training

[One of the biggest disadvantages of neural nets is that they take a long, long time to train compared to most other classification methods we've studied. Here are some ideas for how to speed them up. Unfortunately, you often have to experiment with techniques and parameters for a while to figure out which ones will help with your particular application.]

  • (1), (2), (3), (4) above.
  • Stochastic gradient descent faster than batch on large, redundant data sets. [For example, if you have many different examples of the number "9", they contain some redundant information, and stochastic gradient descent learns the redundant information quickly.] [Show 3-weight neural net and the convergence for batch and stochastic gradient descent (nnet2d.pdf, batchnnet.pdf, stochasticnnet.pdf).] One epoch presents every training example once. Training usually takes many epochs, but if data is huge it can take less than one.
  • Normalizing the data:

--- First center each feature so mean is zero. --- Then scale each feature so variance is constant (~1 is good). [The first step seems to make it easier for hidden units to get into a good operating region of the sigmoid. The second step makes the objective function better conditioned, so gradient descent converges faster.] [Show example of slow convergence of steepest descent on an objective function with an ill-conditioned Hessian (illcondition.jpg).] [Show 2D example of data normalization (normalize.jpg).]

  • Centering the hidden units helps too. Replace sigmoids with 2 s(gamma) - 1 or with tanh gamma. [These functions range from -1 to 1 instead of from 0 to 1.] [If you do this, don't forget that you also need to change s' in backprop. Also, good output target values change to roughly -0.7 and 0.7.]
  • Use different learning rate for each layer of weights: earlier layers have smaller gradients, need larger learning rate. [Show second derivatives at different layers (curvaturelayers.pdf).]
  • Emphasizing_schemes: [Networks learn fastest from the most unexpected examples. They learn slowest from the most redundant examples. So we try to emphasize the uncommon examples.]

--- Shuffle so successive examples are never/rarely same class. --- Present examples from rare classes more often, or w/bigger epsilon. --- Warning: can backfire on bad outliers.

  • Second-order optimization

--- No Newton's method; Hessian too expensive. --- Nonlinear conjugate gradient; for small nets + small data + regression. Batch descent only! -> Too slow with redundant data. --- Stochastic Levenberg Marquardt; approximates a diagonal Hessian. [The authors claim convergence is typically three times faster than well-tuned stochastic gradient descent. The algorithm is complicated and I don't have time to cover it.]

Heuristics to Avoid Overfitting

  • Ensemble of neural nets. Random initial weights; bagging. [We saw how well ensemble learning works for decision trees. It works really well for neural nets too. The combination of random initial weights and bagging helps ensure that each neural net comes out different, even though they're trained on the same data. Obviously, this is slow.]
  • L_2 regularization, aka weight_decay. Add lambda |w|^2 to the cost/loss fn, where w is vector of all weights. [Thus w includes all the weights in matrices V and W, rewritten as a vector.] [We do this for the same reason we do it in ridge regression: penalizing large weights reduces overfitting by reducing the variance.] Effect: -dJ/dw_i has extra term -2 lambda w_i Weight decays by factor 1 - 2 lambda if not reinforced by training. [Show examples of 2D classification without and with weight decay (weightdecayoff.pdf, weightdecayon.pdf). "softmax + logistic loss". Observe that second example comes close to the Bayes rule.] [One of the tricky parts of neural nets is deciding how many hidden units there should be. If there's too few, you can't learn very well, but if there's too many, they tend to overfit. L_2 regularization and weight decay make it safer to have too many hidden units, so it's less critical to find just the right number.]
  • Dropout emulates an ensemble in one network. (Faster training too.) [Show figure of neural net with dropout (dropout.pdf).] [During training, we temporarily disable a random subset of the units, along with all the edges in and out of those units. It seems to work well to disable each hidden unit with probability 0.5, and to disable input units with a smaller probability. We do stochastic gradient descent and we frequently change which random subset of units is disabled. The authors claim that their method generalizes better than L_2 regularization. It gives some of the advantages of an ensemble, but it's faster to train.]


=========================== [Convolutional neural nets have caused a big resurgence of interest in neural nets in the last few years. Often you'll hear the buzzword deep_learning, which refers to neural nets with many layers.]

Vision: inputs are large images. 200 x 200 image = 40,000 pixels. If we connect them all to 40,000 hidden units -> 1.6 billion connections. Neural nets are often overparametrized: too many weights, too little data. [As a rule of thumb, you should have more data than you have weights to estimate. If you don't follow that rule, you usually overfit very very badly. With images, it's impossible to get enough data to correctly train billions of weights. We could shrink the images, but then we're throwing away useful data. Another problem with having billions of weights is that the network becomes very slow to train or even to use.] [Researchers have addressed these problems by taking inspiration from the neurology of the visual system. Remember that early in the semester, I told you that you can get better performance on the handwriting recognition task by using edge detectors. Edge detectors have two interesting properties. First, each edge detector looks at just one small part of the image. Second, the edge detection computation is the same no matter which part of the image you apply it to. So let's apply these two properties to neural net design.]

ConvNet ideas:

(1)  Local connectivity:  A hidden unit (in early layer) connects only to small
     patch of units in previous layer.
     [This improves the overparametrization problem, and speeds up the network
(2)  Shared weights:  Groups of hidden units share same set of input weights,
     called a _mask_ aka _filter_ aka _kernel_.  We learn several masks.
     [Each mask operates on every patch of image.]
     Masks x patches = hidden units (in first hidden layer).
     If one patch learns to detect edges, *every* patch has an edge detector.
     ConvNets automatically exploit repeated structure in images, audio.
     _Convolution_:  the same linear transformation applied to different parts
     of the input by shifting.
     [Shared weights improve the overparametrization problem even more, because
      shared weights means fewer weights.  It's a sort of regularization.
     [But shared weights have another big advantage.  Suppose that gradient
      descent starts to develop an edge detector.  That edge detector is being
      trained on *every* part of every image, not just on one spot.  And that's
      good, because edges appear at different locations in different images.
      The location no longer matters; the edge detector can learn from edges in
      every part of the image.]

[In a neural net, you can think of hidden units as features that we learn, as opposed to features that you code up yourself. Convolutional neural nets take them to the next level by learning features from multiple patches simultaneously and then applying those features everywhere, not just in the patches where they were originally learned.] [By the way, although local connectivity is inspired by our visual systems, shared weights obviously don't happen in biology.]

[Go to slides on computing in the visual cortex and ConvNets (cnn.pdf).]

[Neurologists can stick needles into individual neurons in animal brains. After a few hours the neuron dies, but until then they can record its action potentials. In this way, biologists quickly learned how some of the neurons in the retina, called retinal_ganglion_cells, respond to light. They have interesting receptive_fields, illustrated in the slides, which show that each ganglion cell receives excitatory stimulation from receptors in a small patch of the retina but inhibitory stimulation from other receptors around it.]

[The signals from these cells propagate to the V1 visual cortex in the occipital lobe at the back of your skull. These cells proved much harder to understand. David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel of the Johns Hopkins University put probes into the V1 visual cortex of cats, but they had a very hard time getting any neurons to fire there. However, a lucky accident unlocked the secret and ultimately won them the 1981 Nobel Prize in Physiology.]

[Show YouTube movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOHayh06LJ4 ]

[The glass slide happened to be at the particular orientation the neuron was sensitive to. The neuron doesn't respond to other orientations; just that one. So they were pretty lucky to catch that.] [The simple_cells act as line detectors and/or edge detectors by taking a linear combination of inputs from retinal ganglion cells.] [The complex_cells act as location-independent line detectors by taking inputs from many simple cells.]

[Later researchers showed that local connectivity runs through the V1 cortex by projecting certain images onto the retina and using radioactive tracers in the cortex to mark which neurons had been firing. Those images show that the neural mapping from the retina to V1 is "retinatopic", i.e., local.]

[Unfortunately, as we go deeper into the visual system, layers V2 and V3 and so on, we know less and less about what processing the visual cortex does.]

[ConvNets were first popularized by the success of Yann LeCun's "LeNet 5" handwritten digit recognition software. LeNet 5 has six hidden layers! Layers 1 and 3 are convolutional_layers in which groups of units share weights. Layers 2 and 4 are pooling_layers that make the image smaller. These are just hardcoded max-functions with no weights and nothing to train. Layers 5 and 6 are just regular layers of hidden units with no shared weights. A great deal of experimentation went into figuring out the number of layers and their sizes. At its peak, LeNet 5 was responsible for reading the zip codes on 10% of US Mail, and another Yann LeCun system was deployed in ATMs and check reading machines and was reading 10 to 20% of all the checks in the US by the late 90's.]

[When ConvNets were first applied to image analysis, researchers found that some of the learned masks are edge detectors or line detectors, similar to the ones that Hubel and Wiesel discovered! This created a lot of excitement in both the computer learning community and the neuroscience community. The fact that a neural net can naturally learn the same features as the mammalian visual cortex is impressive.]

[I told you last week that neural nets research was popular in the 60's, but the 1969 book "Perceptrons" killed interest in them throughout the 70's. They came back in the 80's, but interest was partly killed off a second time in the 00's by...guess what? By support vector machines. SVMs work well for a lot of tasks, they're faster to train, and they more or less have only one hyperparameter, whereas neural nets take a lot of work to tune.] [Neural nets are now in their third wave of popularity. The single biggest factor in bringing them back is probably big data. Thanks to the internet, we now have absolutely huge collections of images to train neural nets with, and researchers have discovered that neural nets often give better performance than competing algorithms when you have huge amounts of data to train them with. In particular, convolutional neural nets are now learning better features than hand-tuned features. That's a recent change.]

[One event that brought attention back to neural nets was the ImageNet Image Classification Challenge in 2012. The winner of that competition was a neural net, and it won by a huge margin, about 10%. It's called AlexNet, and it's surprisingly similarly to LeNet 5, in terms of how its layers are structured. However, there are some new innovations that led to their prize-winning performance, besides the fact that the training set had 1.4 million images: they used ReLUs, GPUs for training, and dropout.]

Date: 2017-06-22 五

Author: yiddi

Created: 2018-08-12 日 14:58
