第三十八课: Randomized Analysis

Table of Contents

广度的意思是说 , 我希望样本的分布更 均匀 ,像 quicksort(pivot), hashtable(hashcode), 有依赖 随机 的属性. 这个属性会影响算法结果, 深度的意思是说 ,我的结果依赖于我之前执行的次数,执行的越多越好,有点像 循环进化 的意思,比如 disjoint set(path compression), splaytree

1 Principle of randomized analysis

randomized analysis is also proving the average running time of an algorithm.

quickSort 最差复杂度是 O(n^2),但是如果你运行 quickSort again and agian and again… it will get the average running time O(nlogn),which is the best result in comparison-based(2-way desicion) algorithms.

需要注意的是,这里的原理跟以 hashtable,splayTree,disjointSet 为代表的演进派数据结构(amortized analysis)不同这里不是因为一直优化一直 balance the tree 而获得的时间复杂度的减少,而是通过一直投硬币一直投硬币…来获得一个稳定的概率分布。

2 what is a randomized algorithms

Randomized_algorithms are algorithms that make decisions based on rolls of the dice. The random numbers actually help to keep the running time low. Examples are quicksort, quickselect, and hash tables with random hash codes.

Randomized analysis, like amortized analysis, is a mathematically rigorous way of saying, "The average running time of this operation is fast, even though the worst-case running time is slow." Unlike amortized analysis, the "average" is taken over an infinite number of runs of the program. A randomized algorithm will sometimes run more slowly than the average, but the probability that it will run asymptotically slower is extremely low.

Randomized analysis requires a little bit of probability theory.

3 Expectation

Expectation 实际就是一种 average,一种概率分布下的平均。

3.1 Use x() simulate, running one kind of api()

Suppose a method x() flips a coin. If the coin comes up heads, x() takes one second to execute. If it comes up tails, x() takes three seconds.

Let X be the exact running time of one call to x(). With probability 0.5, X is 1, and with probability 0.5, X is 3. For obvious reasons, X is called a random_variable.

The expected value of X is the average value X assumes in an infinite sequence of coin flips,

E[X] = 0.5 * 1 + 0.5 * 3 = 2 seconds expected time.

3.2 Use x() x() simulate, running two kinds of api()

Suppose we run the code sequence

x();     // takes time X
x();     // takes time Y

and let Y be the running time of the second call. The total running time is T = X + Y. (Y and T are also random variables.) What is the expected total running time E[T]?

The main idea from probability we need is called linearity_of_expectation, which says that expected running times sum linearly.

E[x()] = E[X + Y]
E[X + Y] = E[X] + E[Y]
         = 2 + 2
         = 4 seconds expected time.

The interesting thing is that linearity of expectation holds true whether or not X and Y are independent. Independence means that the first coin flip has no effect on the outcome of the second. If X and Y are independent, the code will take four seconds on average. But what if they're not? Suppose the second coin flip always matches the first–we always get two heads, or two tails. Then the code still takes four seconds on average. If the second coin flip is always the opposite of the first–we always get one head and one tail– the code still takes four seconds on average.

3.3 when get each api()'s EXPECTATION, we get total program's EXPECTATION

So if we determine the expected running time of each individual operation, we can determine the expected running time of a whole program by adding up the expected costs of all the operations.

4 use Randomized analysis in HashTables

    用在 hashtable,处理的核心估计问题是:
      处理 collision,当一个 bucket 中存有多个 item 时
      hashtable 的 api()的 average running time.
      n 个弹珠(key)放进 N 个袋子(bucket)中,平均起来看(Expectation)
      会有多少个弹珠出现在袋子 b 中

when i say a randomly chosen bucket, I do not mean that every time we hash a key we roll a dice,no no no Nooooooooo! you ONLY roll the dice once per key.

Because for a hash table to work, the same key has to hash to the same bucket every time.

So, yes, every key has a randomly chosen bucket, but one that bucket has chosen it stays that way forever.

The implementations of hash tables we have studied don't use random numbers, but we can model the effects of collisions on running time by pretending we have a random hash code.

A random_hash_code maps each possible key to a number that's chosen randomly. This does not mean we roll dice every time we hash a key. A hash table can only work if a key maps to the same bucket every time. Each key hashes to a randomly chosen bucket in the table, but a key's random hash code never changes.

Unfortunately, it's hard to choose a hash code randomly from all possible hash codes, because you need to remember a random number for each key, and that would seem to require another hash table. However, random hash codes are a good model for how a good hash code will perform. The model isn't perfect, and it doesn't apply to bad hash codes, but for a hash code that proves effective in experiments, it's a good rough guess. Moreover, there is a sneaky number-theoretical trick called universal_hashing that generates random hash codes. These random hash codes are chosen from a relatively small set of possibilities, yet they perform just as well as if they were chosen from the set of all possible hash codes. (If you're interested, you can read about it in the textbook "Algorithms" by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein.)

4.1 assuming using chaining and no duplicate keys

Assume our hash table uses chaining and does not allow duplicate keys. If an entry is inserted whose key matches an existing entry, the old entry is replaced.

4.2 analyze find(), n 个弹珠(keys)放在 N 个袋子(buckets)中

Suppose we perform the operation find(k), and the key k hashes to a bucket b. Bucket b contains at most one entry with key k, so the cost of the search is one dollar, plus an additional dollar for every entry stored in bucket b whose key is not k. (Recall from last lecture that a dollar is a unit of time chosen large enough to make this statement true.)

Suppose there are n keys in the table besides k. Let V1, V2, …, Vn be random variables such that for each key ki, the variable

     / 1,  if key ki hashes to bucket b
Vi = |
     \ 0,  else

Then the cost of find(k) is

T = 1 + V1 + V2 + ... + Vn.

The expected cost of find(k) is (by linearity of expectation)

E[T] = 1 + E[V1] + E[V2] + ... + E[Vn].

What is E[Vi]? Since there are N buckets, and the hash code is random, each key has a 1/N probability of hashing to bucket b.

E[Vi] = 1/N

E[T] = 1 + n/N,

到这里,看到一些概率论里的影子了,其实这里就是 n 个 key,往 N 个桶里随即分配的问题。只不过加了一些限制,比如 n 不能超过 N 太多(collision 太多),比如 N 不能超 n 太多(内存空间浪费太多)。对于每一个 key 来说,从 N 个桶中选一个,都是 1/N 的概率。

4.3 Load factor occurs

E[find()] = 1 + n/N
          = 1 + LoadFactor

which is one plus the load factor! If we keep the load factor n/N below some constant c as n grows, find operations cost expected O(1) time.

The same analysis applies to insert and remove operations. All three hash table operations take O(1) expected amortized time. (The word "amortized" accounts for table resizing, as discussed last lecture.)

Observe that the running times of hash table operations are not independent. If key k1 and key k2 both hash to the same bucket, it increases the running time of both find(k1) and find(k2). Linearity of expectation is important because it implies that we can add the expected costs of individual operations, and obtain the expected total cost of all the operations an algorithm performs.

4.4 Summarized

  • Hash table ops take O(1) expected time,if not resized.
  • Hahs talbe ops take O(1) amortized time,if resized.

5 use Randomized analysis in Quicksort


    用在 hashtable,处理的核心估计问题是:
      处理 collision,当一个 bucket 中存有多个 item 时
      hashtable 的 api()的 average running time.
      n 个弹珠(key)放进 N 个袋子(bucket)中,平均起来看(Expectation)
      会有多少个弹珠出现在袋子 b 中
                   MergeSort                       QuickSort
         / +--------------------------+      +----------------------------+
        |  |                          |      |                            |
        |  +-------/----------\-------+      +----/--------------\--------+
        |  +-----------+  +-----------+      +-------+  +-----------------+
O(logn) <  |           |  |           |      |       |  |                 |
        |  +-/------\--+  +--/-----\--+      +-/---\-+  +-----/--------\--+
        |  +----+ +----+  +----+ +----+      +--+ +--+  +----------+ +----+
        |  |    | |    |  |    | |    |      |  | |  |  |          | |    |
         \ +----+ +----+  +----+ +----+      +--+ +--+  +---/----\-+ +----+
                                                        +------+ +-+
            \------------------------/                  |      | | |    (ref:level deeper, sort less, cost less)
                        v                               +-/--\-+ +-+
                       O(n)                             +-+ +--+
                                                        | | |  |
                                                        +-+ +--+

Recall that mergesort sorts n items in O(n log n) time because the recursion tree has 1 + ceiling(log_2 n) levels, and each level involves O(n) time spent merging lists.

Quicksort also spends linear time at each level (partitioning the lists), but it is trickier to analyze because the recursion tree is not perfectly balanced, and some keys survive to deeper levels than others.

To analyze quicksort, let's analyze the EXPECTED depth the input key k will reach in the tree. (In effect, we're measuring a vertical slice of the recursion tree instead of a horizontal slice.) Assume no two keys are equal, since that is the slowest case.

这里的意思是说,我没法向分析 mergeSort 那样按水平切片去分析,取而代之我使用竖直切片去分析 quickSort我去看每一个元素的会存活(未排序定)的深度(时间复杂度随深度降低)的 Expected 值,然后把他们加起来求整体 Expected 值。

Quicksort chooses a random pivot. The pivot is equally likely to be the smallest key, the second smallest, the third smallest, …, or the largest. For each case, the probability is 1/n. Since we want a roughly balanced partition, let's say that the least floor(n/4) keys(排定数列中位置最前的 1/4) and the greatest floor(n/4) keys(排定数列中位置最靠后的 1/4) are "bad" pivots, and the other keys are "good" pivots. Since there are at most n/2 bad pivots, the probability of choosing a bad pivot is <= 0.5.

这个意思是说 pivot 的选择,,如果选择的 pivot 很好,正好处在排序完成后的中间位置,那么 key k 有可能处在 1/4-3/4其中一个 partition 中,这两个 partition 的问题空间都比原来的要小不少,good;但是如果选择差的 pivot,而且他正好处在排序完成后的末尾 or 开头位置,那么 key k 有可能处在 0 - 1中的 1 位置,也就是说,整个问题空间完全没改变。这样他更容易 survivor in deep level.耗时也就更多。

If we choose a good pivot, we'll have a 1/4-3/4 split or better, and our chosen key k will go into a subset containing at most three quarters of the keys, which is sorted recursively. If we choose a bad pivot, k might go into a subset with nearly all the other keys.

Let D(n) be a random variable equal to the deepest depth at which key k appears when we sort n keys. D(n) varies from run to run, but we can reason about its expected value. Since we choose a bad key no more than half the time,

由于 D(n) 是 deepest depth, 5 每一种都选最差的:

  • 1/4 - 3/4 选 key k 在 3/4 中;
  • 0 - 1 选 key k 在 1 中;

    E[D(n)] <= 1 + 0.5 E[D(n)] + 0.5 E[D(3n / 4)].

Multiplying by two and subtracting E[D(n)] from both sides gives

E[D(n)] <= 2 + E[D(3n / 4)].

This inequality is called a recurrence, and you'll learn how to solve them in CS 170. (No, recurrences won't be on the CS 61B final exam.) The base cases for this recurrence are D(0) = 0 and D(1) = 0. It's easy to check by substitution that a solution is

E[D(n)] <= 2 log    n.

5.1 Summarized

So any arbitrary key k appears in expected O(log n) levels of the recursion tree, and causes O(log n) partitioning work. By linearity of expectation, we can sum the expected O(log n) work for each of the n keys, and we find that quicksort runs in expected O(n log n) time.

6 use Randomized analysis in Quickselect

For quickselect, we can analyze the expected running time more directly. Suppose we run quickselect on n keys. Let P(n) be a random variable equal to the total number of keys partitioned, summed over all the partitioning steps. Then the running time is in Theta(P(n)).

Quickselect is like quicksort, but when we choose a good pivot, at least one quarter of the keys are discarded. We choose a good pivot at least half the time, so

E[P(n)] <= n + 0.5 E[P(n)] + 0.5 E[P(3n / 4)],

which is solved by E[P(n)] <= 8n. Therefore, the expected running time of quickselect on n keys is in O(n).

7 Amortized Time vs. Expected Time

There's a subtle but important difference between amortized running time and expected running time.

Quicksort with random pivots takes O(n log n) expected running time, but its worst-case running time is in Theta(n^2). This means that there is a small possibility that quicksort will cost Omega(n^2) dollars, but the probability of that happening approaches zero as n approaches infinity.

A splay tree operation takes O(log n) amortized time, but the worst-case running time for a splay tree operation is in Theta(n). Splay trees are not randomized, and the "probability" of an Omega(n)-time splay tree operation is not a meaningful concept. If you take an empty splay tree, insert the items 1…n in order, then run find(1), the find operation will cost n dollars. But a sequence of n splay tree operations, starting from an empty tree, never costs more than O(n log n) actual running time. Ever.

Hash tables are an interesting case, because they use both amortization and randomization. Resizing takes Theta(n) time. With a random hash code, there is a tiny probability that every item will hash to the same bucket, so the worst-case running time of an operation is Theta(n)–even without resizing.

To account for resizing, we use amortized analysis. To account for collisions, we use randomized analysis. So when we say that hash table operations run in O(1) time, we mean they run in O(1) expected, amortized time.

Splay trees O(log n) amortized time / operation \({* }\)
Disjoint sets (tree-based) O(alpha(f + u, u)) amortized time / find op \({** }\)
Quicksort O(n log n) expected time \({*** }\)
Quickselect Theta(n) expected time \({**** }\)
Hash tables Theta(1) expected amortized time / op \({*****}\)

If you take CS 170, you will learn an amortized analysis of disjoint sets there. Unfortunately, the analyses of both disjoint sets and splay trees are complicated. Goodrich & Tamassia give the amortized analysis of splay trees, but you're not required to read or understand it for this class.

\(*\) Worst-case time is in Theta(n), worst-case amortized time is in
  Theta(log n), best-case time is in Theta(1).
\(**\) For find operations, worst-case time is in Theta(log u), worst-case
  amortized time is in Theta(alpha(f + u, u)), best-case time is in
  Theta(1). All union operations take Theta(1) time.
\(***\) Worst-case time is in Theta(n^2)–if we get worst-case input AND
  worst-case random numbers. "Worst-case expected" time is in
  Theta(n log n)–meaning when the input is worst-case, but we take the
  average over all possible sequences of random numbers. Recall that
  quicksort can be implemented so that keys equal to the pivot go into a
  separate list, in which case the best-case time is in Theta(n), because
  the best-case input is one where all the keys are equal. If quicksort
  is implemented so that keys equal to the pivot are divided between lists
  I1 and I2, as is the norm for array-based quicksort, then the best-case
  time is in Theta(n log n).
\(****\) Worst-case time is in Theta(n^2)–if we get worst-case input AND worst-
  case random numbers. Worst-case expected time, best-case time, and
  best-case expected time are in Theta(n).
\(*****\) Worst-case time is in Theta(n), expected worst-case time is in Theta(n)
  (worst case is when table is resized), amortized worst-case time is in
  Theta(n) (worst case is when every item is in one bucket), worst-case
  expected amortized time is in Theta(1), best-case time is in Theta(1).
  Confused yet?