Tensorboard 的使用
Table of Contents
1 Tensorflow_4_Tensorboard
epoch_decay learning rate. 随着epoch次数逐渐减小的 learning rate 防止出现 learning rate [步幅过大] 不断从最低点跨过(从左跨到右,又从右跨到左)的情况出现.
learning rate 可以设置为一个 Variable, 然后在每次 epoch 开始时, 通过
tf.run(tf.assign(lr, lr_init*(0.95**epoch)))
2 Tensorboard 显示网络结构
<<包导入>> <<数据准备>> # numpy构造(with/without noise) # 从已有数据集导入内存 <<图参数>> # 批次大小, 批次数量 # dropout 保留率 <<图构造>> # 一模: NN layers, name_scope for TB # 两函: err fn(单点错误), loss fn(整体错误) # 两器: 初始化器, 优化器 # 准确率计算 <<图计算>> # 运行两器 # 获得准确率 # summary Writer for TB # 绘图
1: import tensorflow as tf 2: from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data 3: 4: # 载入数据 5: mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST", one_hot=True) 6: 7: # 设置批次大小 8: batch_size = 100 9: # 计算共有多少批次 10: n_batch = mnist.train.num_examples // batch_size 11: 12: # TB:想在TB把某几个node放在一起显示为一个整体模块, 要把他们置于一个命名空间 13: with tf.name_scope('input'): # (name_scope) 14: # 定义两个 placeholder <<< 需要调整到 name_scope 下 15: x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 784], name='x-input') 16: y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10], name='y-input') 17: 18: 19: # TB:想在TB把某几个node放在一起显示为一个整体模块, 要把他们置于一个命名空间 20: with tf.name_scope('layer'): 21: # 创建简单神经网络(无隐藏层) 22: with tf.name_scope('wights'): 23: W = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([784, 10]), name='W') 24: with tf.name_scope('bias'): 25: b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([10]), name='bias') 26: with tf.name_scope('score'): 27: score = tf.matmul(x, W) + b 28: with tf.name_scope('softmax'): 29: prediction = tf.nn.softmax(score) 30: 31: # 二函,二器 32: init = tf.global_variables_initializer() 33: optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.2) 34: loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y-prediction)) 35: train = optimizer.minimize(loss) 36: 37: # 预测对错存在一个向量中 38: correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y,1), tf.argmax(prediction, 1)) # (count correct prediction) 39: # 计算准确率 40: accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32)) 41: 42: # 图计算 43: with tf.Session() as sess: 44: sess.run(init) 45: # TB: 这里需要添加一个 writer 46: writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('/home/yiddi/git_repos/on_ml_tensorflow/logs/', sess.graph) # (writer) 47: writer.close() 48: # 采取训练一轮就测试一轮的方式 49: for epoch in range(2): 50: # 训练模型 51: acc_train = 0 52: for batch in range(n_batch): 53: batch_xs, batch_ys = mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size) 54: _, acc_train = sess.run([train, accuracy], feed_dict={x:batch_xs, y:batch_ys}) 55: 56: # 测试模型 57: # 测试集必须使用已经训练完毕的模型 58: acc_test = sess.run(accuracy, feed_dict={x:mnist.test.images, y:mnist.test.labels}) 59: print("Iter " + str(epoch) + " ,Train:" + str(acc_train) + " ,Test:" + str(acc_test))
TensorBoard使用第一步就是要建立一个命名空间, 其下定义placeholder, 并且赋名.
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('logs/', sess.graph) (writer)
本对话所计算的 graph 对象引用
当你第二次次运行的你 NN 代码的时候, 第一次的 graph 可能还存储在内存中. 这时候使用 TensorBoard 去观察是两张图叠加到一起的结果.
为了防止图被重复的载入内存, 应按照如下步骤运行:
# 1. <<get-pid>> # 2. <<kill-pid>> # 3. <<del-graph-summary>> # 4. build, compute graph and write it into summary file # 5. <<run-tensorboard>>
TODO: It's better to give a :var
to get-pid
which represent the session name
of python src block which used to build and compute graph
ps -aux | grep "python" | grep -E "(lec4|tensorboard)" | grep -v "grep" | awk '{print $2}'
17474 |
17480 |
TODO: 这个 kill-pid 只能接受 sequence 类型不能接受单体, 修正使其可以接受单体.
(defun r1l(tbl) (mapcar (lambda (x) (number-to-string (car x))) tbl) ) (mapcar #'shell-command-to-string (mapcar (lambda (x) (concat "kill " x)) (r1l pid))))
rm -rf /home/yiddi/git_repos/on_ml_tensorflow/logs/* ls /home/yiddi/git_repos/on_ml_tensorflow/logs
run shell command below in a async manner, the predefined argument ":async t" not avaiable for shell
tensorboard --logdir=/home/yiddi/git_repos/on_ml_tensorflow/logs
注意 org babel 运行结果如果是一个 table 的话, 每一行作为一个 list, 所有行再组成 一个 list, 所以每一个 table 都是二维 list | 29968 | | 29973 | ===> ((29968)(29973)) | 29968 | 2342 | | 29973 | 234234 | ===> ((29968 2352)(29973 234234)(234234 121)) | 234234 | 121 |
TODO: org babel + yasnippet + org table 可以做的事情简直太多了, 比如这种
for i in range(30): <<src-block-name>>
可以把这种模式应用到对整个 ML 代码架构的定义和组织上.
比如 table 是可以放置代码名字在上面的, 而且支持 spreadsheet, 可以形成一个 table:
参数1 | 参数2 | 参数3 | … | loss | acc_test | acc_train |
table ===> 散点图(elisp or python 都可以 用来绘制 acc-test acc-train 关系图) 等等, 甚至还可以写程序根据两者数据的趋势自动调整参数,之后再进行训练.
自动调参, 自动训练, 自动绘图 ->-+ ^ | | | +----------------------------+